Saturday, May 11, 2019

Work Family

We write about our work family as if it were an anomaly.  As if it's surprising that we learn to love and grow to become close to those we work with.  Why is this considered to not be the norm?  Have I been fortunate to work with incredible people?  Do others not have this advantage?  Why not?

As we think of company culture, I wonder if fostering these close knit relationships is part of the key to a successful company culture.  Inclusivity through encouraging strong relationships amongst Colleagues.  

And why not?  Don't people stay with companies because they enjoy who they work for?  Don't people work harder if they respect their boss?  

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Who Dunnit?

Sometimes when I wake up it's as if I'm in a "Who Dunnit?" mystery.

Let's set the stage:
Beastie is in different PJs from what I put her in last night.
Beasties bathroom door is closed. It's never closed.
There's a sopping wet hand towel in the middle of the floor.
Found selfies of Beastie on my phone from 1:38 am.

Not even remotely sure what transpired last night.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

I started my first MBA Class this week.  For various reasons I haven't been telling many people.  I am doing this for me- and I want to do it on my own terms.  Yea, yea- I fully realize how ridiculous I sound.  I'm doing it because, well, I want to learn.

On to the next stupid statement of the evening- it's a lot of freaking work!!!!!!!!!!  Again, I fully realize how ridiculous I sound.  Of course getting an MBA is a lot of work!  But jeesh!

I will do this.  And I will learn so much.  And I will be able to give back so much.  And it will be amazing.

But until then...I may be...well...a tad stressed.

Back to the books!  Or in this case, Excel.  ðŸ˜‘


Friday, April 7, 2017

Statistics 101

I just discovered that 75% of my immediate family pees in the dark approximately 85% of the time.

Not entirely sure how I feel about this.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Bliss Out: Staying true to your Authentic Self

In my High School we had a separate room attached to the cafeteria that was sponsored by the school's peer to peer mentoring group. It was great. We could go there- judgement free. It was a place where we could put aside the expectations of who the world wanted us to be. Our parents, our peers, even ourselves, could not push on us their unrealistic expectations- it was our safe place. 

After spending a few months eating lunch there-  four girls took me under their wings and showed me another side to life.  It was one of those life changes times when I was shown what I was always looking for, but never knew existed.  A place where I could find and be my Authentic Self.

It was under their friendship, their sisterhood, that I discovered the Humanities.  Art, Literature, and Social Science.  Of course we got into our own kind of trouble- deciding to cut off all our hair in the lunch room and wearing all black didn't necessarily make everyone else.  But we had each other, and we read amazing books, and we drew our hearts out, and we played Red Rover at 2 am at the local Elementary School Park, and well, we pierced our ears in French Class.  Perfectly normal, right?  Right  

Well, many lifetimes later, I am in a place where I can share my own lessons with my employees.  No, no, not the causing bodily harm in French Class kind, but the kind that promotes diversity and inclusion.  The kind where I can help people express themselves and help them see how amazing they are.  And yes, the kind where I can provide a space for them to come to work and be their Authentic Selves.  To me, this is everything.  I want to lead a group of people that can be who they are in a safe environment.

Due to the wonders of social media, I have minimally caught up with a few women from my past. They have grown into strong women who never gave up and continue to to fight for what is right and just.  One is a Human Rights Lawyer and one is an incredible artist that raises awareness on mental illnesses.  I am beyond proud that I once had lunch with these ladies for two years of my life.  I am who I am today, largely in part of what they taught me.  To be kind, and to be human.

Two weeks ago I learned that SG, one of my High School Heroes, has her design being sold by Juliette Lewis- how cool is that!  

Be kind.  Be Human.  Lead.

Support a High School Hero by purchasing SG's "Bliss Out" tee here!   
SG RC, MK, and MT
Thank you for teaching me to

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My Pile

The Beastie asked me "Mommy, are you tired AGAIN?"  Well, Beastie, I am.  I'm spent.  Mentally and physically spent. But I'm living in a world where you can't say things like that.  To the Super Stay at Home Mom-  I'm the Working Mom stereotype that is ruining my child.  To the Working Mom- I'm not prioritizing properly. To my employees- I've let them down.  To my boss- I can't handle the stress.  To my husband- I'm just complaining.  To my mom- I've taken on too much.  Have I?  Probably.  Would I change a thing?  No.  Sometimes I just need a moment.  Sometimes, I just need a minute to

Some exciting news- I officially begin school next month.  That's right- this degree hoarder is getting her MBA!  This has been a goal of mine for quite some time now, and I can't believe it's finally happening.  One more thing to add to the pile- but I like my pile.  My pile is filled with adventures, learning, books, and great people.  I like my pile.  Sometimes I just need a minute, but that doesn't mean I don't want to keep my pile.

I read an article on why people burn out and why some don't.  They argued that those who overachieve at the same things burn out quickly.  On the other hand, those that compartmentalize, those that overachieve in different areas burn out at a much slower rate, if at all.  I'd like to think this is me.  I'd like to think I allow my managers to compartmentalize.  I try to be the kind of manager that let's her people try and learn new things.  I want them to have a comfortable space for trial and error.

I have colleagues that argue I shouldn't let my managers who are not at goal to do anything outside of managing their team.  I don't manage that way.  I want them to find a space where they stay engaged.  Of course I don't want them to be an under-performer, but why not have happy engaged employees that are doing their best in lieu of unhappy top performers?  Ideally you'd have both.  But I'm not going to punish anyone giving it their all.

What do you do?  How do you manage the extra curricular and performance?  How to handle not balancing it all?

Be kind.  Be human.  Lead.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Deer in Headlights...

I've been sitting here with a deer in headlights look.  Got home from work, took Beastie to the park, and now I need to be mom.  Hang up Manager Hat and exchange for Mom and Wife.

These are the times I struggle with.  I typically half ass it all.  Catch up on news as Beastie runs around yelling at me to watch her newest find or physical feat.

What I'd like to do is hide.  Like a good hour of just hiding.  No one asking me questions, no one needing juice, no one with a need.  But that's not gonna happen.  

I miss my long commute- ok no, I do.  But I kind of do.  I miss the hour to myself.

Ok- I'm going to get up and be Mom.  I got this.

Be kind.  Be human.  Lead.

Work Family

We write about our work family as if it were an anomaly.  As if it's surprising that we learn to love and grow to become close to those ...